Thursday, August 17, 2006

Chasing the Big White Dress in the Great White North and other weirdness

“Chasing the big white dress” comes from when my oldest son told someone that’s what I did for a living when he was 5. It was career day at school and I walked in prepared to talk to kindergarteners about photography in the most basic terms. Outside the door, each child had written what their parents did for a living. Next to my name my son wrote “My mom chases the big white dress for the Home Depot”. At that time, I worked for a studio called “Portrait Depot” and shot weddings for them. How he came up with the big white dress theory, I have no idea. But it has become my standard, and all my friends and family have adopted it.

Kim’s friend: “Whatcha doing on Saturday?”

Kim: “Whatcha think I am doing, it’s June.”

Kim’s friend: “Chasing the big white dress”

Kim” “Duh”

Kim’s Stepmother: “Honey, we are thinking of having a cook out on Saturday. Can you and the boys come?”

Kim” “Uh, it’s Saturday. You know, SATURDAY, in the summer. If it were February, maybe”

Kim’s Stepmother “Ohhhhh. Right. Big white dress”

Kim: “Duh”

So in that spirit, I am going to be out of the studio from tomorrow, August 18 where I will travel to Bayfield Wisconsin. Don’t know where that is? Please take your right hand and face it towards you palm up. Hence, you have your “hand map of Wisconsin” (if you didn’t learn this as a child then shame on your school system). At the very tippy top of your middle finger is Bayfield. A beautiful place nestled on the shores of Lake Superior, where I will photograph Alison and Dave’s wedding. The following week-end, I will be in Hayward Wisconsin (top knuckle on your right ring finger) to photograph Vana and Aaron’s wedding. I’m very excited about these weddings because it will give me a mini-vacation up north and because both of them are above the “Fudge line”. It’s just my personal hang up, but no good fudge comes from below Stevens Point. It’s the air up there or something, all good fudge comes from “up north”.

Also, I am so PSYCHED because I get to add to my collection of photos in front the weird landmarks in Wisconsin…oooh, that’s gonna be a good blog addition for the slow months. You cannot believe how many odd Plexiglas faux animal replicas there are in Wisconsin. In Hayward, I am totally looking forward to the “World’s Largest Musky” display. Seriously. You can’t make this stuff up.

So, I will be OUT of the studio August 18-28th. They haven’t heard much of that newfangled thing called CELL SERVICE or the INTERNET up in them thair parts. I’ll do my best to check in, but if I am MIA it’s because I can’t get a signal. Likely I’ll be totally on a fudge high, anyway.

1 comment:

  1. I think your son is a genius! "Chasing The Big White Dress" your should trademark that.

    Enjoy the Great White North Kim.


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