Monday, May 19, 2008

I big puffy heart......

Here's some new things I just found that I totally love and can't figure out how I did not know about them.

Etsy: As god as my witness, I shall never go to the mall again. I love buying gifts, but only when they are meaningful to the person. Even as a kid I found the Christmas gift list from relatives offensive. Really, what is the point? I buy you something for $50 on your list, you buy me something for $50 off my list and that's a gift?? I've always loved finding things for people that just screamed "them". You know, like when my friend Charo (no, not that Charo) was in Hawaii and she saw a Bobble headed Pig with a Hula Skirt for the dashboard it was obviously meant to be mine. And so I'm always on the prowl for gifts for people for birthdays, groundhogs day, special occasions but sometimes you just don't find "it". Enter Etsy...homemade gifts and artisan objects from people around the world. The search options are great and I could get lost in that store for hours. Check it out, and remember that I like gifts :)

Google Reader: I'm probably the last person on earth to figure this out, but this roxes my soxes. Here I can bookmark all the blogs I read (uh, and stalk) and when they are update they are in one tidy place. So if you don't have it, get it. And add me to your reader so you can see when I update! Most of mine are other photographers blogs, but I also love Dooce. It's the best mommy blog ever.

What do you big puffy heart love? Got a great blog for me to add to my collection? Leave me some blog love in the comments section!


  1. Etsy, duh.

    Dooce, duh.

    That's all I got too. :)

  2. Yay for Etsy and Google Reader.. love them both!


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