Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Tonight I went to a NAWP meeting...that's National Association for Wedding Professionals. Scott Thompson, who is a really awesome guy and owns Sweet Sounds of Music DJ service and All About Honeymoons is the brainchild of starting a chapter here in Milwaukee. It's basically a bunch of people in the wedding industry or related fields meeting up to network, talk smack and drink beer. Okay, I was the only one who had a beer, I gotta work on those guys... Anyway, one of the members brought SNACKS! I love people who bring snacks, especially when the snack is cake. After we ate the cake I wanted to get out my blue and red nap mat and lay down, but that could have been the beer/cake combination, I am not sure.

This cake was provide by Sweet Perfections in Waukesha and let me tell you, it was outstanding. And I am not just saying that because it was free and they let me take two slices home to my kids. Also, Ken and Peggy are truly lovely people who really go the extra mile for their clients. I have always been a big proponent of hiring small business owners because for the most part, most are fiercely dedicated to their clients, to service and quality. There is no Wal-Mart mentality with people who open up a shop and invest their life's savings into something they believe in. Plus, Peggy gave me the chocolate shavings off the top of the cake. I kind of think we are BFF now and I might get a candygram in the mail.

This my very artistic rendering of their Signature Cheez Torte cake taken with my Signature iPhonez. I should really get like a real camera to take pictures of things like these, but when I am off duty, I am off duty, what can I say?

I'd describe the cake as "OMG, really DAMN good" but here's the official version
"Smooth creamy vanilla baked cheesecake sandwiched between rich chocolate cake and red raspberry preserves, then sealed with out "from scratch" buttercream"

Can I get a HELL YEAH?

1 comment:

  1. Kim you're too fun-nay!!!!
    nice new site... looking forward to seeing again at the next wedding guild meeting? Let us know if that NAWP thing starts up, if anything it would be good to get together for some BEER!



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