Friday, May 16, 2008

Let's talk about "Moments"

I think I hate the term "moments' almost as much as I hate "your special day". But sometimes you just can't argue with semantics, and in the end, what I hope for my clients is that their wedding pictures capture moments for them that at the end of the day tell a story. So "moments" it is.

A few times a year, I have this conversation with a well-meaning videographer

Video dude: "Hey, regarding the processional, I'd like to be at this spot in the aisle is that okay for you to get your shot?"

(processional meaning the bridesmaids and sometimes both the bridesmaids and groomsmen processing up the aisle together before the bride)

Me: "Oh, do whatever you need to, I don't shoot the processional until the bride goes up the aisle."

Video dude: *blink. blink* "You don't shoot the processional?"

Me: "That's right. I stay with the bride in the back"

Video dude: ", you don't shoot the bridesmaids coming up the aisle?"

Me; "Nope. I shoot the bride. And the groom as he sees her coming up the aisle. So as long as you have moved out of the aisle by the time the bride processes, it's all good for me"

This is generally met with wonder...either that I am a genius, or an incompetent hack. I'd like to think I am a bit more of the former, with a bit of "crazy hack" thrown in to make things interesting. You know, that whole "freaky arteest" thing I like to cultivate while living in the wilds of suburban Wauwatosa with my two kids, two dogs and two cats.

So...say it's your wedding day. Which of these images would you rather have?

(with my humble heartfelt oh god I hope these clients from 2004 don't still read my blog apologies if these are your bridal party shots)

This moment?

Or this moment?

This moment?

Or this moment?

This moment?

Or this moment....

You're getting my point, to be sure :) And here is the thing, if I can sucessfully get BOTH of these shots, without disrupting the wedding, I certainly will. But when forced to choose, I will ALWAYS go for the moment. Always. It is what I believe my clients hire me for.

Want a picture of your couples together? Sure, no problem. How about we do it during the formals, where I can control the back ground and their faces (Coming up the aisle is not the time for me to hiss to them "RELAX and SMILE!)"

And if I have an assistant, I put them on this gig of the processional/recessional shots as super special BONUS shots that I will never allow you to put in your album :) You're welcome.

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