Sunday, August 31, 2008

Random Photos That I Love

About 4 years ago as a birthday gift, some friends of mine got me a "psychic reading". Mostly as a joke, but also because I do have an interest in that, if only to explain my quirky nature as being just another trait that Libra's have. During the course of the reading, she asked me if I had grandparents in Florida or Arizona. (I know, I know, it's pretty likely that if you have grandparents that's where they are at some point, not a huge stretch) I said I did, in Tucson. And she said "You should go see your grandmother soon, she is very ill"

At that point I probably had not seen my grandparents in 5 years or more. I knew my grandmother had been ill with a few things in the past year, but at that point she was healthy as far as I knew. So I gave a call to my grandparents to check in, and it was then my grandfather mentioned he really missed seeing me and offered to fly me down for a few days for a visit. November in Tucson sounded mighty good, so I went.

I had a good time with them, as good as you can have with 80 year olds that go to bed by 8PM but I learned some charming things about them. That my grandfather had been in a factory explosion before I was born that was quite serious, and he had to be in a body cast for most of a year after that. Even MORE interesting is that during that time, my grandmother became pregnant with my Aunt Barbara :) I watched them bicker good naturedly over things like what to listen on the radio, and saw my grandmother hide the chocolate bars from my grandfather who has a wicked sweet tooth. And I watched how affectionate they were with each other, even after 30 some years of marriage.

I also discovered that my grandfather was my grandmothers THIRD marriage. Oh boy, there is some family dirt right there!

Both of them seemed in good spirits and it was a great visit. I took this shot on my last day there. Two weeks later, I received a call that my grandmother had died.

I sent this photo to my grandfather after he died, and he told me that he looked at it once, it made him cry, and he still cannot look at it but he wants to be buried with it.

Photograph the ones you love.


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