Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My dream camera is coming....

I am admittedly a gadget girl. I love technology, as much as I sometimes hate technology because it confounds me. And though I do tend to replace my main camera once every 18 months or so it's most because of wear and tear issues. I replace it with the successor to that camera and then my main becomes my back up, my back up becomes my secondary back up and my thirdly back up gets sold or relegated to a happy family member :) For the most part, the "latest and greatest" has a few features that I find pleasing...a brighter LCD screen, full frame capabilities (meaning my fisheye is actually a fisheye and not just a wide angle...the first generation of digital SLR's had a crop factor to contend with) and generally they just get something more ergonomically correct so the camera feels better.

But this camera I am so excited about I am wiggling in my seat every time I read a review. It's called the Canon 5D Mark 11 and so far the reviews have been astounding. I'll post some links here for the geek inclined :)

Link to the kick ass video capabilities

Link to a review by a pair of terrific photographers, Steve and Jen Bebb

Now, yes it has video capability and from this untrained eye, pretty damn good capability at that. I have NO aspirations to become a videographer, it's not my medium. But the ability for live view to see in real time correct exposure, white balance and ISO performance? Heaven.

Even more amazing is the wickedly high ISO...meaning the ability to shoot in dark situations that never before would have been possible. Believe me when I say for weddings this is one of the most important things to me. I don't ever shoot with anything but prime glass 2.8 or lower, but even then our dark Wisconsin venues can present problems.

I'm on the waiting list, it's expected to start shipping in November. I've never wanted to give someone $2,700 for a camera body more :)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Yes! WE ARE NERDS. But who cares, right? See you on Saturday! We shall have us some fun!



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