Friday, October 31, 2008

Attn Sports Fans

I know many of you will be shocked to hear this...but I am not a sports fan. Despite living in a state with one of the most rabid football fans on earth, I just don't care about sports. There, I said it. I don't care about the Green Bay Packers. I don't wish them ill will, I hope they win, but....I just don't care. I'll watch a game if there is beer and snacks involved, and I have actually been to a Packer game. I went mostly so I could cozy up to the sport shooters on the sidelines to gawk at their lenses. "Hey, is that a 500mm or are you just happy to see me?"

Here are some now semi-famous quotes uttered by me when at a sporting event; In the early 90's I went to a Brewer Game. I noted to my friends "Isn't that odd?? All those umpires are named Al?" The Umpires had their names on their hats...and it turned out it meant American League Who knew?

The Packer Game doosy came when I went with my friend Christal. Christal thinks she IS a Packer. She is one of those people who calls the Packers "We". "We play at noon" and "We lost today". I have repeatedly advised her that she is not on the team, but she doesn't believe me. Anyway, I went to the game with a 70-200 lens so I could take pictures of Brett Farve for her. She pointed him out to me and told me his number, and I set off to work. At one point I turned to her and said "Well, number 4 can't be very good. He's hardly ever on the field"

And yes, there was beer involved for both of these quotes, but I can assure you it would have happened with out it.

So since God has a funny sense of humor, he sent me...two boys. And despite my vigilant signing them up for music lessons, art lessons, acting lessons and even gymnastics...they are sports fans. They play sports. They LOVE the Packers and the Brewers. And because I don't want to give them one more thing to hash out in therapy in the years to come, I go to their sporting events. Here's the truth...Soccer is the devil and I'll never get back those years I spent on a cold, rainy field in a soccer mom chair. It's wrong wrong wrong...but the day they both were done with soccer was one of the happiest days of my life. Basketball I don't mind since I kind of understand it because I was obsessed with a boy named Steve in high school and I learned it so I would seem cool. (It didn't work). Volleyball is not bad at all, but I have found that I suck mightily at photographing it. And Caleb has found his niche with Cross Country, which is the PERFECT sport for sports hating moms everywhere. You drop them off, cheer at the start line, read a book, cheer when they come over the finish. Perfect!

Here are some shots of the last of the Cross Country meets and Volleyball. What you will undoubtedly notice is that while my kids look like brothers, the gene pool split cleanly 50/50 with them. Caleb is the spitting image of his dad, tall, lanky and lean, while Joey got blessed with my genes. Or, as he more aptly put it when he was 7 "Caleb looks like Dad and I look like you because we like bacon"

I love this one..."The agony of defeat".. Joey is #45



Caleb. And the hair I get to take nearly 100% credit for :)



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